Annual Quality Assurance Report(AQAR) - 2023-2024


1. Institutional Data

(Data may be captured from IIQA)

Name of the head of the InstitutionProf. (Dr.) Satyajit Chakrabarti
Does the Institution function from own campusYes
Phone No. of the Principal9433586880
Alternate Phone No.03323572969
Mobile No.(Principal)9433586880
Registered e-mail ID (Principal)[email protected]
AddressSalt Lake, Sector v, Electronics Campus.
State/UTWest Bengal
Pin code700091

2.Institutional status:

Autonomous Status (provide the date of conferment of Autonomy: )12/02/2019
Link for the above statement:

Type of InstitutionCo-education
Financial StatusSelf Financed
Name of the IQAC CoordinatorProf. (Dr.) Arun Kumar Bar & Prof. (Dr.) Sanghamitra Poddar
Phone no.919123059690
IQAC e-mail address[email protected]

3. Website address:

Web-link of the AQAR: (Previous Academic Year)
4. Was the Academic Calendar prepared for that year?Yes
If yes, whether it is uploaded in institutional website Weblink

5. Accreditation Details:

Cycle     GradeCGPAYear of AccreditationValidity
Period From Period To
1 st A3.25201709/06/201731/12/2024
2 st      
3 st      
4 st      
5 st      

NAAC Accerediation Extension link:

6. Date of Establishment of IQAC:  30-Apr-2015

7. Provide the list of Special Status conferred by Central and/or State Government on the Institution/Department/Faculty/School (UGC/CSIR/DST/DBT/ICMR/TEQIP/World Bank/CPE of UGC, etc.)?



SchemeFunding AgencyYear of award with durationAmount (in Lakhs)
Dr. G. S. TakiResearch ProjectUGC DAE CSR24/06/202245000
Dr. Darothi SarkarResearch ProjectThe Institute of Engineers (India)12/06/202343200
8. Provide details regarding the composition of the IQACUpload the latest notification regarding the composition of the IQAC by the HEI

9. No. of IQAC meetings held during the year4

Were the minutes of IQAC meeting(s) and compliance to the decisions uploaded on the institutional website?

(If No, please upload the minutes of the meeting(s) and Action Taken Report.)

10.Did IQAC receive funding from any funding agency to support its activities during the year?Yes 
If yes, mention the amount: 5 Lakhs
11. Significant contributions made by IQAC during the current year (maximum five bullets)
•   Spearheaded the preparation for NBA accreditation for MBA, ECE and ME departments.
•   Continuous upgradation of course curriculum as per industry requirements.
•   Creation of centre of excellence and development of innovative labs.
•   Created a system of providing financial support for critical medical requirement of students, alumni and staff members.
•   Spearheaded to achieve improvement in NIRF-22 rankings compared to NIRF-2021 under the category of Engineering.
12.Plan of action chalked out by the IQAC in the beginning of the Academic year towards Quality Enhancement and the outcome achieved by the end of the Academic year

Plan of Action

Improvement in the teaching and learning process.1. A continuous effort was put in improving the quality of the question banks which were made in accordance with Bloom’s taxonomy and mapped with the course outcome. 2. Syllabus as per the industry requirements and international standards were upgraded in regular intervals 3. Involvement of external industry members as a final-year student project guide. 4. Students are instructed to publish their final-year projects as research papers.
Improvement in NIRF ranking.Efforts were given to increase the number of research publications and placement scenario to improve the NIRF ranking.
Getting AICTE approval for all courses.Successfully conducted the AICTE visit and received approval for all departments.
Analysis of stakeholder feedback.IQAC has periodically collected and analyzed feedback from all stakeholders and successfully incorporated changes as per suggestions with respect to syllabus, question bank, quality of research papers and student projects.
Organize workshops, FDPs, and seminars on research methodology on research publication and patent application and other related topics to create significant increases in publications and patents.To encourage high-caliber publications, all faculty members received reimbursement for conference and journal publication expenses. The number of conferences organized by the institute has increased substantially.
NBA visits were conducted in 3 departments – ECE, ME, MBA.Through proper guidance and team-work ECE and MBA departments were accredited by NBA for 3 years.
13. Was the  AQAR was placed before a statutory body?Yes

Name of Statutory Body

Date of meeting(s)

Board of Governors


14. Whether institutional data submitted to AISHE?Yes


Date of Submission

15.Multidisciplinary / interdisciplinary

IEM provides a holistic multidisciplinary curriculum with a vision to equip the students with contemporary industry knowledge and make the students employable.

IEM offers different programs like: 1. Engineering 2. Computer Applications. 3. Management, 4. Science and Humanities. In B.Tech. Course subjects like Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, English, Biology, Environmental Science, Principles of Management, Economics, Organizational Behavior, Constitution of India etc. are taught.

In higher semesters there is provision in various curricula to have an exposure to courses on allied fields for example students of Mechanical Engineering discipline are taught courses on Data Science and AI .

IEM has Innovation and Entrepeneurship Development Cell – IEDC where interdisciplinary projects are carried out, eg wearable Anti-Tremor device for Parkinson’s patients, eco-friendly Low-Cost Terracotta-based air cooler system, women safety device etc. Collaborative projects lead to collaborative publications, patents, start-ups by students and faculties.

Technological Festivals (Tech Fest) and Smart Maker Festivals are organized annually to promote innovation in interdisciplinary areas.

Hackathons and coding competitions are organized on a regular basis to enhance the students skills in these areas. Students participate successfully in Smart India Hackathon, IISF and other national level competitions.

Interdisciplinary international conferences organised annually to promote blending of different disciplines eg. IRTM, ICCAES etc.

16.Academic bank of credits (ABC):

The following steps have been taken regarding Academic Bank of Credits:


1.  Institutional registration for the Academic Bank of Credits done

2.  Distribution of e-copy-version of customized notice among students for registration of Academic Banks of Credits by the students and registration process already started.

3.  Distribution of printed-version of customized notice to individual departments for posting on departmental notice boards and circulation amongst the students of individual departments.

4.  Tracking of registrations of students through NAD portal.

17.Skill development:

The institute improvises skill development by enrichment of curriculum, introduction of skill based co-curricular courses, mandatory additional courses etc.

Courses like Essential Skills for Professionals and Skill Development for Professionals are part of the curriculum to enhance employability skills. Skills like quantitative aptitude, verbal aptitude, verbal ability and critical reasoning, interpersonal skills and teamwork, experiential learning skills, analytical reasoning, data Interpretation, emotional intelligence and leadership/ management skills are also part of this curriculum

Soft skill classes are integral part of curriculum. Foreign languages like French/ Chinese are also offered.

Different social programs are organized by student chapters or in collaboration withNGOs like Kolkata Nivedita Shakti, VIBHA, Rotary Club, Lion’s Club, Inner Wheel Club etc to imbibe holistic human values needed for the overall character development of an individual. Mandatory Yoga and physical fitness classes are for all students to ensure wellness of body and mind.

Industry and Foreign Certification courses are mandatory for all students where they have to score a minimum of 15 credit points to get their final degree.

Weekly Foreign Lectures and Industry lectures are organized for students through IEMCONNECT.

MoUs with Coursera, LinkedIN, EDUSkills and EDX gives students free licenses to pursue endless number of online courses for skill development.

18.Appropriate integration of Indian Knowledge system (teaching in Indian Language, culture, using online course)
Integrating Indian knowledge system into the teaching-learning process of the institute is a continuous effort which is in place. The institute starts with a regular morning assembly where all teachers and students sing the national anthem. A brief 5 minute motivational quotes of eminent personalities are shared (most of them in either hindi or bengali). In 2 days long annual cultural festival, first day is reserved exclusively for Indian contemporary and classical programs. Teachers during the classroom teaching, apart from teaching in English language, make it a point to clear doubts of the students in vernacular languages as well. Different religious festivals like Christmas, Eid, Mahavir Jayanti, Buddha Purnima, Durga Puja, Holi (to celebrate Basant Utsav and Doljatra), chaat puja, Agomoni (Pre-Puja meet), Dandiya Utsav (to celebrate Navratri), Ravindra Jayanti etc are celebrated in the campus where participation of faculties and students are ensured. Number of events like Yoga Day, Ethnic Day, Youth Day, Children’s Day, Teacher’s Day, etc are organized throughout the year to promote Indian culture amongst the students.
19.Focus on Outcome based education (OBE):Focus on Outcome based education (OBE):

Institute of Engineering & Management practises Outcome Based Education (OBE) for all existing programs. According to Washinton Accord, AICTE and NBA all courses have pre-defined 4 Course Outcomes (CO) and 12 Program Outcomes (PO) leading to achieve the Program Specific Outcomes (PSO), Graduate Attributes (GA) and subsequently the attainment of Program Educational Objectives (PEO). Syllabus indicates Pos and COs and their mapping. This enables both students and faculty members to understand the nuances of OBE. Lesson Plan prepared by the faculty also reflects the same.

To inculcate the values of a good human being and citizen of India, mandatory courses like Values and Ethics, Environmental Science, Constitution of India, aptitude, General Knowledge and compulsory YOGA, self-defence classes are included in routine. Mandatory industrial trainings, compulsory laboratory projects and courses offered by industrial experts bridges gaps between industry and academia. Final year projects can be done entirely in the industry under the joint supervision of industrial personnel and faculty. To remove language barrier, foreign language courses like French or Chinese are taught. Curriculum is upgraded quarterly so that latest technological advances are incorporated. To popularise the coding culture hackathons and coding competitions are organised. Conferences, tech fests, model making competitions are organised to enhance hands on learning.

20.Distance education/online education:

The possibility of Online/ Distance degree/diploma courses may be planned by the institute in near future.

The digital library of the college provides lectures of IIT professors and reputed industries through NPTEL, Coursera, LinkedIN, edX.

Students can access e-journals(J Gate, EBSCO, Delnet, NDLI, Eduskills etc)for their study purpose.

In addition to regular physical classes, YouTube lectures by faculties are there to encourage learning in blended mode.

Besides that, they can access online education through lectures from IEMlearning which is IEM’s own online teaching-learning platform.

The institute accepts online credits from NPTEL/Swayam which helps the students to earn B.Tech. Degree with honors (for completing atleast 20 credits from these courses).

The institute has a MOU with Coursera and LinkedIn which facilitates the students to do several online courses/professional certifications from reputed institutes/organizations around the globe.

                                                                                                                       Extended Profile



Number of programmes offered during the year:

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Total number of students during the year:

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Number of outgoing / final year students during the year:

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Number of students who appeared for the examinations conducted by the institution during the year:

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Number of courses in all programmes during the year:

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Number of full-time teachers during the year:

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Number of sanctioned posts for the year:



Number of seats earmarked for reserved categories as per GOI/State Government during the year:



Total number of Classrooms and Seminar halls



Total number of computers on campus for academic purposes



Total expenditure, excluding salary, during the year (INR in Lakhs):

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