Criterion 4.4

4.4- Maintenance of Campus Infrastructure

Metric No  


Expenditure incurred on maintenance of infrastructure (physical and academic support facilities) excluding salary component during the year (INR in Lakhs) Expenditure incurred on maintenance of infrastructure (physical facilities and academic support facilities) excluding salary component during the year (INR in lakhs)


  Data Requirement : 

  • Non salary expenditure incurred
  • Expenditure incurred on maintenance of campus infrastructure
  • Audited statements of accounts.
  • Details about assigned budget and expenditure on physical facilities and academic support facilities (Data Templates)

Link for relevant documents are  provided below:

The link the relevant excel sheet : Click Here

Link of the excel sheet with Auditor sign : Click Here

Link for Audited statement: Click Here



There are established systems and procedures for maintaining and utilizing physical, academic and support facilities – laboratory, library, sports complex, computers, classrooms etc.

There are established systems and procedures for maintaining and utilizing physical, academic and support facilities such as laboratory, sports complex, computer, classroom etc. in the institute. The maintenance of physical, academic and support facilities are carried out by the respective departments with the help of in house staff on daily basis and periodically. Separate funds are allotted to all H.O.D’s for the maintenance of the laboratories and the classrooms in college. Each laboratory has one teacher as lab incharge, a Lab Assistant and. Lab in-charge is responsible to maintain and upgrade the laboratory. Regular cleaning staff cleaned & maintained the classrooms and the laboratories every day. The college garden is maintained by the gardener appointed by the institute. Director of sports of the institute looks after the sports facilities and the activities. The Library is opened for all 24hrs*7days.The library is also provided with a LAN facility for the computers and they are loaded with the library software. Librarian with supporting staff has been appointed to maintain central library. Wi-Fi enabled facilities are provided in all floor of college and computing facilities are made available to the students. A pool of team-technicians take care for the maintenance of the computers. Necessary licensed software’s is provided in computers for the students. Servers like LINUX, WINDOWS, web-servers, database, etc. are provided in computers of colleges. The ICT Smart Class Rooms and the related systems are maintained with AMC of the corresponding service provider. Electrical and plumbing related maintenance is done with the help of institute appointed skilled persons and the expenditure is made from yearly allotted budget approved by the competent authorities.

The Link for the relevant documents are provided below:

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