Self Study Report (SSR) - 2022

Criterion 6.3

Metric No.


The institution has effective welfare measures for teaching and non- teaching staff

Provide the list of existing welfare measures for teaching and non- teaching staff 

File Description

The Institute acknowledges its employees & provides a caring and supportive working environment to all staff which enables them to develop and optimize their full potential.

Existing welfare measures for teaching and non-teaching staff are listed below:

  1. INTEREST FREE LOAN: The institute provides the facility of availing loan for various reasons on 0% interest basis. The employee has to apply to the Director stating the reason and can get the desired amount from the Accounts department if the Director approves the same. He/she can repay the loan taken without paying the interest amount.
  2. LEAVE FOR STAFF MEMBERS: The employees can avail 47 leaves in a year as mentioned below

a. CASUAL LEAVE: Employee can apply for a casual leave when he/she is absent from duty without disruption of his/her pay. An employee can avail 7 casual leaves in a year.

b. EARNED LEAVE: Employees can avail maximum of 33 leaves in a year. Employees have to apply 15 days before they want to take the leave. Moreover, in case of emergency the Director approves the said leave even if it is not applied 15 days earlier.

c. MEDICAL LEAVE: On his/her medical emergency employee can apply for medical leave. An employee can get a maximum of 7 Medical Leave in a year

Apart from the leaves mentioned above the Institute also grants leaves as stated below.

d. STUDY LEAVE: Employees can get a study leave for higher studies and or special training duly approved by the Director.

e. MATERNITY LEAVE: Women employees of college can apply for maternity leave after their delivery for a period of 6 months.


    3.  EPF (Employee Provident Fund) SCHEME: As per the existing norms of Central Government, EPF (Employee Provident Fund) and ESI schemes are implemented for the teaching, non-teaching, and contingent staff.


  • The employees can apply for medical loans if required. College also provides an insurance benefit to all employees on an emergency basis. For free medical checkup MD. Doctors & nurses are always present in college. A MoU is signed with Sudarshan Chakraborty Memorial Centre for free medical treatment & different diagnostic and pathological tests. An employee may get a reimbursement of up to 1 lakh in a year on submission of relevant documents issued by the authority of Sudarshan Chakraborty Memorial Centre.
  • Under Accident Compensation Scheme all medical expenses related to the accident such as hospital stays, medication etc. are reimbursed to the employee.

    5. BUS SERVICE: To avoid public transport in this pandemic situation free bus services are provided for teaching as well as non-teaching staff and also for students.

    6. FREE VACCINATION SERVICE: To fight against covid-19 free vaccination drive (1st dose & 2nd dose) is organized for all faculty and staff along with their family members. The student community (current students, alumni) is also vaccinated through this drive.

    7. FREE LUNCH SERVICE – The institute provides nutritionally balanced free vegetarian lunches to all the teaching and non-teaching staff members each working day.

    8. FESTIVE ADVANCE: Festival allowance is given to all the employees once in a year.

    9. INCENTIVE SCHEME: The following incentive schemes are given to all eligible faculty members

  •  Rs 5,000 for publications in SCI/SSCI journals and list of IIMS recognized Management journals.
  • Rs 5,000 for publications in SCI(E) journal.
  • Rs.3,000 for publications in SCOPUS and ESCI
  • Rs.1,000 for IEM-UEM foreign journals (except where the same article published in conference)

    10. BOOK PUBLICATION INCENTIVE: Incentive for Publications of textbooks in a relevant engineering discipline is given below:

■        Rs. 25,000/- if the textbook is published by an international publisher like McGraw Hill, Prentice-Hall, Oxford University Press, IEEE Press, Springer-Verlag GmbH, or other internationally reputed publishers.

■        Rs. 15,000/- if the textbook is published by a national publisher.

■        Rs. 10,000/- if the textbook is published by Regional / Local publishers.

■        Rs. 5,000 if a book chapter is published.

    11. EXTERNAL EXAM CO-ORDINATION:30% of revenue will be retained by the institute and 70% will be disbursed to the faculty and staff.

    12.  FOREIGN VISITS INCENTIVES: Each faculty and staff member will be eligible for incentives up to 1 lac per visit, 3 times a year, for organizing conferences/ Study Abroad Programmes.

    13.  CONFERENCE INCENTIVE: Each staff member is eligible, twice per year, towards registration and travel expenses for institute recognized list of Conference / Journal/Conferences organized by the IEM-UEM group:

  • Rs. 5000 reimbursements for attending National conferences for presentation of paper/s.
  • Rs. 20,000 for attending International Conferences for the presentation of paper/s /     publication of papers.

    14.  BEST TEACHER INCENTIVE: The top 3 teachers of each department who have more than 90%.


  • The tuition fee of wards of full-time staff members of IEM-UEM group, studying in IEM can be reimbursed if applied for.
  • Eligible full time employee can pursue higher studies from UEM at 50% tuition fees. The remaining fees are borne by the institute.
  • Along with existing welfare full time staff are  also benefited by following schemes:

★ Group insurance.

★ Separate cooperative society

★ Life insurance schemes

★ Pension schemes

Link for the relevant documents:

Link for the Incentive scheme: Click Here

Link for MoU Sign with Sudarshan Chakraborty Memorial Center: Click Here

Link of  images of vaccination drive held in college campus: Click Here

Link of images of free health check up held in college for staff members: Click Here

Link of Screenshot of IEMCRP through which leave is calculated: Click Here

Link for an audited statement of staff & student welfare expenses: Click Here



Number of teachers provided with financial support to attend conferences/workshops and towards membership fee of professional bodies during the year Number of teachers provided with financial support to attend conferences/workshops and towards membership fee of professional bodies during the year

Year 2021-2022 2020-2021 2019-20 2018-19 2017-18
Number 154 108 55 22 18

Details of teachers provided with financial support to attend conference, workshops etc. during the year: Click Here

Link for the excel sheet:

Link for the document of Membership Fee: Click Here

Link for Seminar conference Expenses: Click Here

Link for the Audited details: Click Here



Number of professional development /administrative training programs organized by the institution for teaching and non-teaching staff during the year Total number of professional development /administrative training Programmes organized by the institution for teaching and nonteaching staff during the year

Year 2021-2022 2020-2021 2019-2020 2018-2019 2017-2018
Number   86 40 20 15

Data required for the year: 

  • Title of the professional development Programme organized for teaching staff
  • Title of the administrative training Programme organized for non-teaching staff
  • Dates (From-to)

File Description:

  • Reports of the Human Resource Development Centres (UGCASC or other relevant centers).
  • Reports of Academic Staff College or similar centers
  • Upload any additional information

Details of professional development / administrative training Programmes organized by the University for teaching and non teaching staff 

The link for the excel sheet: Click Here

Link of  details of session overview of  different programmes : Click Here

Link for the Audited statement: Click Here

Link for the Brochure & Certificate of some events: Will be updated



Number of teachers undergoing online/face-to-face Faculty Development Programmes (FDP) during the year(Professional Development Programmes, Orientation / Induction Programmes, Refresher Course, Short Term Course, etc.)  Total number of teachers attending professional development programmes viz., Orientation / Induction Programme, Refresher Course, Short Term Course during the year

Year 2021-2022 2020-2021 2019-2020 2018-2019 2017-2018
Number 238 129 80 146

Data required for the year: 

  • Number of teachers
  • Title of the Programme
  • Duration (From–to)

File Description

  • IQAC Report summary
  • Reports of the Human Resource Development Centres (UGCASC or other relevant centers).
  • Upload any additional information

Details of teachers attending professional development programmes during the year 

The link for the relevant documents is given below: Will be updated

The link for the excel sheet are given below: Click Here

Link for the Audited statement for expenditures for academic project development & training programme:



Institutions Performance Appraisal System for teaching and non- teaching staff

Describe the functioning status of the Performance Appraisal System for teaching and non-teaching staff

File Description

The following factors are effectively scrutinized in the appraisal system for teaching staff. The student’s feedback, University Examination results, Attitude, involvement, commitment, and achievement of a faculty with respect to his/her non-academic administrative activities, Feedback, and review of performance from other faculties in peer groups. The faculty rejuvenated through attending various programs and presenting the same to the colleagues in turn pertaining to their feedback. The duly filled Self-appraisal form ( is received from each faculty at the end of every semester. Encouragement is given to the faculty members, to participate in conferences and publish the research papers in the international/national journals.  By granting on duty (OD) to the faculty members based on their competency requirement, they are counseled to attend Faculty Development Program (FDP) and workshops organized by reputed institutions/universities. The faculty members are encouraged to organize national/international seminars/guest lecturers/workshops/conferences by sponsoring such events from the institute. The Self-appraisal form is given below


1 Research Papers in Peer-Reviewed or UGC listed (But Not Refereed ) Journals without Impact Factor
  Single Author 8 0 0
  Two Authors 5.6 0 0
  First/Principal/Corresponding Author (More than 2 Authors) 5.6 0 0
  Join Author (More than 2 Authors) 2.4 0 0
  Research Papers in Peer-Reviewed or UGC listed ( Refereed ) Journals without Impact Factor
  Single Author 13 0 0
  Two Authors 9.1 0 0
  First/Principal/Corresponding Author (More than 2 Authors) 9.1 0 0
  Join Author (More than 2 Authors) 3.9 0 0
  Research Papers in Peer-Reviewed or UGC listed with Impact Factor less than 1
  Single Author 18 0 0
  Two Authors 12.6 0 0
  First/Principal/Corresponding Author (More than 2 Authors) 12.6 0 0
  Join Author (More than 2 Authors) 5.4 0 0
  Research Papers in Peer-Reviewed or UGC listed with Impact Factor between 1 and 2 (Include 1 & 2)
  Single Author 23 0 0
  Two Authors 16.1 0 0
  First/Principal/Corresponding Author (More than 2 Authors) 16.1 0 0
  Join Author (More than 2 Authors) 6.9 0 0
  Research Papers in Peer-Reviewed or UGC listed with Impact Factor between 2 and 5 (Don’t Include 2)
  Single Author 28 0 0
  Two Authors 19.6 0 0
  First/Principal/Corresponding Author (More than 2 Authors) 19.6 0 0
  Join Author (More than 2 Authors) 8.4 0 0
  Research Papers in Peer-Reviewed or UGC listed with Impact Factor between 5 and 10 (Don’t Include 5)
  Single Author 33 0 0
  Two Authors 23.1 0 0
  First/Principal/Corresponding Author (More than 2 Authors) 23.1 0 0
  Join Author (More than 2 Authors) 9.9 0 0
  Research Papers in Peer-Reviewed or UGC listed with Impact Factor > 10 (Don’t Include 10)
  Single Author 38 0 0
  Two Authors 26.6 0 0
  First/Principal/Corresponding Author (More than 2 Authors) 26.6 0 0
  Join Author (More than 2 Authors) 11.4 0 0
2 (a) Books Authored published by Intenational Publishers
  Single Author 12 0 0
  Two Authors 8.4 0 0
  First/Principal/Corresponding Author (More than 2 Authors) 8.4 0 0
  Join Author (More than 2 Authors) 3.6 0 0
  Books Authored published by National Publishers
  Single Author 10 0 0
  Two Authors 7 0 0
  First/Principal/Corresponding Author (More than 2 Authors) 7 0 0
  Join Author (More than 2 Authors) 3 0 0
  Publication of Chapter in Edited Books (Not Paper/Article in Edited Books)
  Single Author 5 0 0
  Two Authors 3.5 0 0
  First/Principal/Corresponding Author (More than 2 Authors) 3.5 0 0
  Join Author (More than 2 Authors) 1.5 0 0
  Editor of Book by International Publishers
  Editor / Editors 10 0 0
  Editor of Book by National Publishers
  Editor / Editors 8 0 0
2 (b) Translation Work of Chapter or Research Paper
  Single Author 3 0 0
  Two Authors 2.1 0 0
  First/Principal/Corresponding Author (More than 2 Authors) 2.1 0 0
  Join Author (More than 2 Authors) 0.9 0 0
  Translation Work of Book
  Single Author 8 0 0
  Two Authors 5.6 0 0
  First/Principal/Corresponding Author (More than 2 Authors) 5.6 0 0
  Join Author (More than 2 Authors) 2.4 0 0
3 (a) Development of Innovative pedagogy
  Contributor  / Contributors 5 0 0
3 (b) Design of New Curricula and Courses (ICT Based)
  Contributor  / Contributors 2 0 0
3 (c) Development of Complete MOOC’s in 4 Quandrant (4 Credit Course)
  4 Credit Course 20 0 0
  3 Credit Course 15 0 0
  2 Credit Course 10 0 0
  1 Credit Course 5 0 0
  MOOCs (developed in 4 quadrant) per module / lecture
  Module / Lecture Creator (Per Module) 5 0 0
  Content writer/subject matter expert for each module of MOOCs (at least one quadrant)
  Content Writer / Subject Matter Expert (Per Module) 2 0 0
  Course Coordinator for MOOCs
  4 Credit Course 8 0 0
  3 Credit Course 6 0 0
  2 Credit Course 4 0 0
  1 Credit Course 2 0 0
3 (d) Devlopment of E-Content in 4 quadrants for a Complete Course / E-Book
  E-Content in 4 quadrants for a Complete Course / E-Book 12 0 0
  E-Content (developed in 4  quadrants) per module
  Modules 5 0 0
  Contribution to development of E-Content module in Complete Course / Paper / E-Book (at least one quadrant)
  Contributor 2 0 0
  Editor of E-Content for Complete Course / Paper / E-Book
  Editor 10 0 0
4 (a) Ph.D. Guidance (Degree Awarded)
  Ph.D. Guidance (Awarded) (Single Supervisior) 10 0 0
  Ph.D. Guidance (Awarded) (Supervisior in Joint Guidance) 7 0 0
  Ph.D. Guidance (Awarded) (Co-Supervisior in Join Guidance) 7 0 0
  Ph.D. Guidance (Thesis Submitted)
  Ph.D. Guidance (Submitted) (Single Supervisior) 5 0 0
  Ph.D. Guidance (Submitted) ( Supervisior in Joint Guidance) 3.5 0 0
  Ph.D. Guidance (Submitted) ( Co-Supervisior in Joint Guidance) 3.5 0 0
  M.Phil./P.G Dissertation Guidance
  M.Phil./P.G Dissertation  (Single Supervisior) 2 0 0
  M.Phil./P.G Dissertation  (Supervisior in Joint Guidance) 1.4 0 0
  M.Phil./P.G Dissertation  (Co-Supervisior in Joint Guidance) 1.4 0 0
4 (b) Research Project Completed (More than 10 Lakhs)
  Single Investigator 10 0 0
  Principal Investigator in Joint Project 5 0 0
  Co-investigator in Joint Project 5 0 0
  Research Project Completed (Less than 10 Lakhs)
  Single Investigator 5 0 0
  Principal Investigator in Joint Project 2.5 0 0
  Co-investigator in Joint Project 2.5 0 0
4 (c) Research Project Ongoing (More than 10 Lakhs)
  Single Investigator 5 0 0
  Principal Investigator in Joint Project 2.5 0 0
  Co-investigator in Joint Project 2.5 0 0
  Research Project Ongoing (Less than 10 Lakhs)
  Single Investigator 2 0 0
  Principal Investigator in Joint Project 1 0 0
  Co-investigator in Joint Project 1 0 0
4 (d) Consultancy
  Consultancy 3 0 0
5 (a) Patent Registered
  International 10 0 0
  National 7 0 0
5 (b) Policy Document (International Body/Organization/Central Govt. or State Govt.)
  International 10 0 0
  National 7 0 0
  State 4 0 0
5 (c) Awards / Fellowship
  International 7 0 0
  National 5 0 0
6 Invited lectures / Resource Person/ paper presentation in Seminars/ Conferences/full paper in Conference
  International (Abroad) 7 0 0
  International (Within Country) 5 0 0
  National 3 0 0
  State University 2 0 0
  Total Score without Caping 0
  30 % of Total Research Score 0
  Total Score of 5(b) + 6 0
  Capped Score of 5(b) + 6 0
  Category I Teaching, Learning & Evaluation related Strategies 0
  Category II Co- Curricular, Extension and Professional Development Activities 0
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