Self Study Report (SSR) - 2022

Criterion 6.5

Metric No.


Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) has contributed significantly for institutionalizing the quality assurance strategies and processes

Describe two practices institutionalized as a result of IQAC initiatives  File Description

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IQAC is one of the major policy making and implementing bodies   in our college. It assesses and suggests the parameters of quality education.

Following two best practices are

❖       1.  Online test is taken through IEMCRP for continuous evaluation:

Before the commencement of any academic session, departmental meetings are held in every department in which the subjects are distributed to the teachers after discussion with them.

  • Faculty members prepare their course materials in the form of approximately 80 video lectures per subject and upload them in IEM Gymkhana platform according to the syllabus allotted.
  • Regular online class tests (theory class) through IEMCRP are taken to monitor the improvement of the performance of the students.

Total= 11500 online tests were taken in the last academic year.

The number of Assignments allotted to the students in a semester is 1200 assignments in a semester

  • Slow-paced learners are identified and remedial classes are taken for them. In the past, class tests were taken manually once a week. Now the entire process is executed online on a daily basis.

More than 12000 IEM Learning

More than 30 Bridge Courses

More than 4000 free Coursera Courses

More than 500 NPTEL courses

Induction Program: 6 (classes in one day) *21(total number of days) =126 classes

  • An incremental improvement in the performance of the students has been observed due to this. The entire process is monitored by IQAC.


❖      2. Providing scholarship/free ship to students in need during pandemic:


This initiative was taken by the college along with the IQAC Cell to provide scholarships/free ship to students under four categories such as

  **CASE 1: Parental death cases Proposed Scholarship 2 semesters fees waived

**CASE 2: OBC candidates (As per the decision of the SC-ST Committee full fees waiver has been proposed to show that extra measures are taken towards these students. Moreover, the following students belong to extremely financially weak families as well.)

**CASE 3:SC ST OBC candidates (As per the decision of the SC-ST Committee 1 semester fees waiver has been proposed due to financial problems)
  **CASE 4: Candidates with Financial Problem Proposed Scholarship Fees Concession of Rs.30,000 (Rs.15,000 each semester)


The following process is to be followed for receiving a scholarship:

Step 1:    The students willing to apply for the scholarships need to fill out and submit a form along with supporting documents which are mentioned in the form at the Principal’s office.

Step 2:    All the applications are placed before the Scholarship grant committee.

Step 3:   A meeting is scheduled to interview the applicants and a decision is taken accordingly.

Step 4:    All the selected candidates receive mail along with an acknowledgment slip which they need to submit in order to receive the scholarship.

Step 5:     The final list is sent to the finance department for appropriate action.

Link for relevant documents are provided below:

Sample list of Online test taken through IEMCRP: Click Here

Link for a sample statement of scholarship: Click Here



The institution reviews its teaching learning process, structures & methodologies of operations and learning outcomes at periodic intervals through IQAC set up as per norms and recorded the incremental improvement in various activities

(For first cycle – Incremental improvements made for the preceding year with regard to quality

 For second and subsequent cycles – Incremental improvements made for the preceding year with regard to quality and post accreditation quality initiatives)

 Describe any two examples of institutional reviews and implementation of teaching learning reforms facilitated by the IQAC within a maximum of 500 words each


File Description

The Institution has implemented most of the recommendations made by the Peer Team during the Third Cycle of NAAC Re-accreditation. Besides, many improvements have been effectuated in the functioning of the Institution. As illustrations, we briefly describe two of these:

1. List and plan of events mentioned in the Student’s College Handbook:

All the departments and college conduct different co-curricular and extra-curricular activities throughout the academic year. All these events are listed month-wise in the College Handbook. Besides, all such events require the approval and consent of IQAC so that the quality of such events can be maintained and IQAC could keep a track of all such activities for the interest of different stakeholders regarding the same. This endeavour has also permitted to spread out the activities so as to judiciously utilize space resources and prevent the cramping of events within a narrow band of time. It also makes it possible for students to plan, in advance, the activities that they would participate in. Further, the Institution has conducted a review of the objectives and working of the Cells, Associations and Clubs and has thoroughly revamped them.

2. Adoption of a paperless approach to documentation:

With the Swacch Bharat and Go Green initiatives in mind, the Institution has taken resolute steps to significantly reduce the usage of paper on campus. This, both, helps save trees and also reduces the amount of garbage. In this regard, the Institution has adopted a three- phase approach:

(a) Staff records, reports and similar data will be, now, maintained in a digital format thereby reducing the need for hard copies, printouts and storage facilities;

(b) The setting up of a Management Information System (MIS) will strengthen and streamline administrative functioning;

(c) Evaluation of students will be digitally performed through Introduction of Online Internal Evaluation.

To fulfil this approach the institute has developed an online Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) platform known as IEMCRP ( It is the concept of Academic ERP which aims not only at achieving operational excellence in Institutions, but also makes its stakeholders, the beneficiaries of the system. As academic ERP concept provides number of options through which, an Institution can share the information stored with the parents and other stakeholders and make them feel to be a part of the Institution itself. It includes the number of modules, proved beneficial to achieve the operational and functional efficiencies, monitoring and optimizing the management processes & operations and enhancing coordination across the various departments in the Institution.



Quality assurance initiatives of the institution include:
  1. Regular meeting of Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC); Feedback collected, analyzed and used for improvements
  2. Collaborative quality initiatives with other institution(s)
  3. Participation in NIRF
  4. any other quality audit recognized by state, national or international agencies (ISO Certification, NBA)


A.   All of the above

B.   Any 3 of the above

C.   Any 2 of the above

D.   Any 1 of the above

E.   None of the above

 Option (A) all of the above

 Data requirement for year: 

 Quality initiatives

  • AQARs prepared/submitted
  • Collaborative quality initiatives with other institution(s)
  • Participation in NIRF
  • Any other quality audit recognized by state, national or international agencies (ISO Certification, NBA)

File Description

  • Paste web link of Annual reports of Institution
  • Upload e-copies of the accreditations and certifications
  • Upload any additional information

Upload details of Quality assurance initiatives of the institution (Data Template)

Criteria 6.5.3.xlsx


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