Self Study Report (SSR) - 2022

Criterion 4.1

Infrastructure and Learning Resources

4.1 Physical Facilities
Metric No.


The Institution has adequate infrastructure and physical facilities for teaching-learning. viz., classrooms, laboratories, computing equipment, etc.


Describe the adequacy of infrastructure and physical facilities for

teaching-learning as per the minimum specified requirement by

statutory bodies within a maximum of 500 words


The institute is facilitated with different classrooms, technology-enabled learning spaces, seminar halls, tutorial spaces, laboratories, specialized facilities, equipment for teaching, learning and research, etc.

  1. Enough well-ventilated, well-furnished classrooms are available for conducting theory classes. Proper ventilation, lighting, and good acoustics are provided in all the classrooms. The college has 76 classrooms that are well-ventilated, well-furnished & all classrooms have  ICT-enabled facilities. Also, the college has 10 seminar rooms that also have ICT -enabled facilities.
  2. Proper visibility of the blackboard is ensured. Technology-enabled classrooms are provided for all the departments of the college. In all classrooms & laboratory, computers & LCD Projector & LCD screen are present. Collge has 130 LCD Projectors & LCD screens.
  3. Each room has a seating capacity of 66 students, provided with LCD projectors, Wi-Fi, and LAN-enabled internet connectivity. Seminar halls are equipped with speakers and microphones. 4 speakers & 3 microphones are present in each seminar hall & classroom.
  4. Small seminars and workshops can also be held in the classrooms. Each seminar hall has LCD projectors, LCD screens, whiteboards, and public addressing systems. 2.4 GBPS internet facility is provided in college.
  5. All laboratories are well equipped and maintained so that students can carry out both curriculum-related and research-related activities. Each laboratory is equipped with the latest and most accurate instruments. Laboratories are provided with high-speed Wi-Fi networks. Total 2146 computers are used only for students.2.4 GBPS internet facility is provided in college.
  6. The college has extensive Language Labs so that students can improve their English communication skills. All departments have their special language lab.
  7. Each department has its own library in addition to the central library. Students have access to many online courses and materials like EDX, Coursera, etc. The digital library of the college provides lectures by IIT professors through NPTEL. An E-learning facility is provided which covers a wide set of applications. For self-learning, reference books for all subjects are available in the college library. Students can access many e-journals like IEEE Digital Library (ASPP), Delnet(online), Jgate, Web of Science, EBSCO(Business Source Elite)  in the library. Students are doing many NPTEL courses like Introduction to Remote Sensing, Programming In C++, Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks, Information Security-3, Design and Analysis of Algorithms, Embedded Systems Design, Introduction to Haskell Programming, Computer Architecture, Introduction to Machine Learning, Analog Circuits, English Language for Competitive Exams, etc per semester. More than 4000 courses are offered to the students in Coursera. More than 500 courses are offered to students in NPTEL.
  8. Students & faculty members can access Journal Like SAGE Publication & Springer Publication from the college library. Two Software LSEase & KOHA are used in the college library. Total 83256 books are present in the college library.
  9. To promote the research activities, the college has established an individual research center for all the departments, named the IEDC innovation laboratory. Besides, that college has (AI+ML) Lab, ANTENNA Lab, INNOVATION Lab, AR-VR Lab, Computer vision lab, Data Science Lab, etc. Faculty members are given financial help and grants to set up their own innovative labs. High-end computers are present in the IEM labs for the research facilities of the students and faculty.
  10. All HODs, Deans have their own AC rooms. The common faculty staff rooms are also air-conditioned. Every faculty member has their own computer with cameras and headsets so that they can conduct online classes and meetings. For example, if a department has 40 faculties, each faculty has one headset & one camera with them.
  11. Every department has its own printers (one with the HOD and the other with the assistant HOD) for the convenience of the faculty members. Xerox centers are present on all the campuses along with high-definition printers.
  12. .On three campuses three Xerox centers are present. Students & faculty members can print from there at a very minimum price. The college has 105 printers & scanners to print & scan the document.

File Description:

The link for the relevant documents is provided below:

 Video link for the Infrastructure of college: Click Here

Link of  the Images of Classrooms: Click Here

Link of the Images Of  Seminar Halls: Click Here

Link of the Images Of Laboratories: Click Here



Link for Coursera & EDX  MOU: Click Here

Link for IEMLEARNING: Click Here

Link for NPTEL details: Click Here

Link for IEM Lab details : Click Here




The Institution has adequate facilities for cultural activities, sports, games (indoor, outdoor), gymnasium, yoga, etc.


The sports department of the college is meritorious, and some credit definitely goes to the adequate infrastructure of this department consisting of 3 basketball courts, volleyball courts, badminton court, rooftop mini golf court, and cricket practice area that can be used by students and staff. The running track and the outdoor facilities are free to use for all the stakeholders.

  1. Every campus has separate Boys’ and Girls’ common rooms and well-equipped sports rooms with TT boards, carrom boards, football, cricket, volleyball, mini-golf, table tennis, chess kits, yoga mats, and basic fitness accessories.
  2. From time-to-time local playgrounds are taken for rent in order to organize outdoor matches, because of space scarcity inside the campus. Recently the college has its own playground at Kulbera.
  3. There are regular yoga, karate, and games classes included in the daily routine to cater to the fitness requirements of the students. Professional and trained physical education teachers are permanently employed for taking these regular classes. In the regular yoga sessions, students are also advised on health and hygiene awareness issues. These special yoga, karate & games classes are included in the first-year routine.
  4. Every year an annual sports day is organized. In 2016, it was organized in the SAI (Sports Authority of India) complex, Salt Lake on 22nd February 2016. In 2018 annual sports meet was organized in SAI (Sports Authority of India) complex, Salt Lake on  3rd February from 9.30 a.m. In 2021 an annual sports meet was organized in Sports Authority Of India, Salt Lake on 11th December.
  5. IEM organizes annual Cricket tournaments where teams from different classes or streams compete. IEM also participates in inter-college cricket, football tournaments, and other competitions. In 2017 the annual inter-department cricket tournament was held & the winning department was the ECE department & the runners’ department was the IT department. Some achievements in the cricket field are listed below:

1.     Marine Cricket Tournament 2018-19 :- Venue – Taratala ; Position – Semi-finalists

2.     Lichubagan Cricket Tournament 2019:- Venue – Dum Dum ; Position  Semi-finalists

·         Best Batsman – Kaustav Shome ; Best Bowler – Arpan Patranabish

3.     IIEST Invitational Cricket Tournament 2019:- Venue – IIEST Shibpur; Position – Runners Up

4.     BBIT Cricket Tournament 2019: Venue – BBIT ground; Position: – Semi-finalists

5.     NITMUS Rampage Cricket Tournament 2019: Venue – NITMUS Ground; Position – Runners Up

6.     ADRENALINE Cricket Tournament 2018-19: Venue – ILEAD campus; Position – Champions.

A faculty cricket tournament was organized on 29th January 2022 in the college playground.

  1. IEM hosts football tournaments known as IEM Soccer League. Three students played in NATIONAL SPORTS AND PHYSICAL FITNESS CHAMPIONSHIP 2018 from IEM. The Name of these three students  DEBDUTTA SAHA, ECE, 4 TH YEAR, BELAWAL MUMTAZ, ECE, 4 TH YEAR ANUBRATA DAS, IT, 4 TH YEAR. A faculty football tournament will be held on 5th March 2022 at Maya Chakraborty Smriti Krigangan.


  1. IEM organizes annual volleyball, badminton, and basketball tournaments as well. Indoor game tournaments like Chess, Table Tennis, and Carrom are hosted. Ankur Kumar Suman(CSE,3rd year ) won the championship held in iLead college on 05-10-2018. The  IEM boy’s team participated in UMANG 2019 organized by BESC and became the Winner in a volleyball tournament. Vivek Kumar(2nd year  ME department ) participated in UMANG 2019 (05-02-2019) and reached up to quarterfinals in the Badminton championship.IEM group has organized a table tennis tournament at IEM Management House for IEM Faculty members. The name Of the Winners & runners-up is as follows:

Winner Singles: Soumen Nandi from Management House

Winner Doubles: Arijit Dey Sarkar & Sayan Sarkar from UEM Kolkata.

Runners Up Single: Pradip Ghosal from Ashram Building.

Runners Up Double: Soumik Das & Ankan Bhowmick from Ashram Campus.


  1. Public speaking forums are organized from time to time to develop the communication skills of students. IEM organizes debates, group discussions held on occasions such as Swami Vivekananda’s Birthday, IEM Cultural Festival, etc. IEM MUN is a special event organized every year as a part of the IEM Annual Cultural Festival. IEM MARATHON is organized every year.
  2. IEM celebrates festivals such as Saraswathi Puja and Vishwakarma puja on Campus.  The institute gives holidays during the Chatt Puja and Holi so that many IEM students coming from the regions of Bihar, Jharkhand, etc. can go home and celebrate with their families. Short cultural programs are held during events like Rabindra Jayanti, Independence Day, Netaji’s Birthday, Teacher’s Day, etc
  3. IEM hosts a Cultural Fest, Freshers Welcome, Farewell Ceremony, Rabindra Jayanti, Engineer’s  Day, Durga Puja Agomoni, etc. annually where delegates, participants, and visitors come from all around the world. Padma Bhushan Pt. Vishwa Mohan Bhatt (Grammy Winner), Pt. Subhen Chatterjee (Grammy Nominee), Amit Datta (The Legendary Indian Guitarist) was the guest performer at the cultural fest held on 18th January 2020. On May 11, 2018, 50 students from IEM with the coordinator Prof Dr. Sanghamitra Podder, Prof. Dr. Malay Gangopadhyaya, Prof. Srijita Chakraborty, Prof. Dr. Dwaipayan De went to the Jadavpur University Campus to participate in the National Technical Day. Students & faculty members of IEM  participated in the event on Engineer’s  day  organized by Vivekananda Vijnan Mission.


File Description

The Link for the relevant document is provided below:

Event held on offline mode:

Links for ppt of Sports facilities: Click Here

Year-wise sports report: Click Here

Link for the ppt of Cultural activities: Click Here


Link for the Images & Video of Yoga classes: Click Here

Link for images of Gymnasium Classes in college: Click Here

Link for MARATHON EVENT  in college: Click Here


Event held on online Mode due to pandemic situation: 

Links for ppt of sports facilities : Click Here

Links for ppt of Cultural Activity: Click Here

Link of Yoga Seminar report : Click Here

Link for images of gymnasium Room: Click Here

Link for  images of Independence day celebration in college: Click Here




Percentage of classrooms and seminar halls with ICT- enabled facilities such as smart class, LMS, etc. Number of classrooms and seminar halls with ICT facilities

Data Requirements: (As per Data Template)

  • Number of classrooms with LCD facilities (76)
  • Number of classrooms with Wi-Fi/LAN facilities (76)
  • Number of smart classrooms (76)
  • Number of classrooms with LMS facilities (76)
  • Number of seminar halls with ICT facilities (10)


Formula: (Number of classrooms and seminar halls with ICT facilities/ Total number of Classrooms)* 100

=(86/86)* 100

= 100 %

File Description

  • Upload Number of classrooms and seminar halls with ICT enabled facilities (Data Template)

The link for the relevant document is provided below:

The link for the excel sheet: Click Here




The average percentage of expenditure, excluding salary for infrastructure augmentation during last five years(INR in Lakhs) Expenditure for infrastructure augmentation, excluding salary year wise during last five years (INR in lakhs)

Year 2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020 2020-2021 2021-2022
INR in Lakhs 2392 2685 2647.98 3383 3227

Data Requirements for last five years: (As per Data Template)

  • Expenditure for infrastructure augmentation
  • Total expenditure excluding salary


Percentage per year = (Expenditure for infrastructure augmentation/Total expenditure excluding Salary)* 100

Percentage per year (2017-2018)=(2168.28/2392.52)*100=90.62%

Percentage per year (2018-2019)=(386.43/2685.57)*100=14.38%

Percentage per year (2019-2020)=(727.31/2647.98)*100=27.46%

Percentage per year (2020-2021)=(836/3386)*100=24.711%

Percentage per year (2021-2022)=(266/3227)*100=8.24%

Average Percentage= Σ Percentage per year/5



File Description:

  • Upload audited utilization statements
  • Upload Details of budget allocation, excluding salary during the last five years (Data Template)

The link for the  relevant document is provided below:

Link for the audited statement year wise with auditor sign: Click Here

The Link for the excel sheet: Click Here