Self Study Report (SSR) - 2022

Criterion 4.3

4.3 IT Infrastructure
Metric No.


Institution frequently updates its IT facilities including Wi-Fi

Describe IT facilities including Wi-Fi with date and nature of updation

1. The Institution has a total of 3500 computers with an extensive network of cables and LAN connectivity.

2. The computer resources have been provided to each department with peripheral devices like printers, scanners, UPS connected through LAN/Wi-Fi network. More than 100 printers & scanners & 50 UPS are present in the institute.

3. More than 100 computers are present in the library so that students can access the internet and various subscribed databases for doing their co-curricular activities, projects, research activities, etc.

4. To make the teaching-learning process much more effective, classrooms, laboratories, and seminar halls are equipped with computers, internet connection, routers, LCD projectors, public address systems, UPS, etc. 72 ICT-enabled classrooms & 10 ICT-enabled seminar halls are present in college. More than 100 routers are present in college. The total number of computers which are present in classroom & seminar halls is 82. Total 130 LCD Projector & LCD screens are present in college. More than 100 printers are present in college.

5. The entire campus is covered by Wi-Fi. All the students and faculty are given login ID & password for utilization of internet facilities of the Institution. The students and faculty can access the internet from anywhere on the campus through devices like computers, laptops, tablets, smartphones, etc. Wi-Fi is also available in all the hostels. Internet service is available for both faculty and students on the campus with a 2.4 GBPS line.

6. All faculty members are provided with their personal computers, webcam & headset. The principal’s office, administrative office, admission cell, Placement section- all enjoy internet facilities.

7. The uninterrupted power supply is made available on the campus to access the internet without hindrance.

8. Computer systems are upgraded with the latest software once every 3 years. Obsolete computers are duly replaced, and new ones are procured.

9. The cost provisions are also made on a sufficiently broader scale for this in the annual budget. All systems are duly monitored.

10. Students are also taught to use them with utmost care and precaution.

11. For the safety of all the systems, a cyber security room exist on the college premises and Prof. SUBHAMOY RAY acts as in charge of this room.

12. Optical fiber cables have been used to enhance the speed of the existing network.


The strategies adopted for ensuring adequate IT infrastructure and support:


1.  Provisional budgetary planning is done at the beginning of every financial year for ICT infrastructure and modernization.

2.  Training programs are conducted for staff and students to familiarize them with the use of computers and various software.

3.     Register is maintained for the needs of faculties.

4.  The institutional website is maintained and updated regularly by a dedicated committee and website manager through which the student can access information and circulars


File Description


The Link for the relevant document is provided below:

link of the images of IT facilities which are available in college: Click Here

The link for the computer bills: Click Here

Link for the I-pads bills: Click Here

Link for computer accessories bills: Click Here

Link for Internet bills: Click Here




Student – Computer ratio (Data for the latest completed academic year)

 Number of students(4535) : Number of Computers(2146)

UG – 2:1, PG – 1:1

Data Requirements:

Number of computers in working condition- 2146

  • Total Number of students -4535

File Description

The link for the relevant documents is provided below :

Link for Ipads Bills: Click Here

Link for computer accessories bills: Click Here

The link for the computer bills: Click Here





Bandwidth of internet connection in the Institution


A.     ≥50 MBPS

B.     30 MBPS – 50 MBPS

C.     10 MBPS – 30 MBPS

D.    10 MBPS – 05 MBPS

E.     < 05 MBPS 

  • Available internet bandwidth (2.4 GBPS, Option A)

File Description

  • Details of available bandwidth of internet connection in the Institution

Link for Internet bills: Click Here

Link of the E Copy of agreement with the service provider: Click Here