5.3 Student Participation and Activities
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Number of awards/medals for outstanding performance in sports/cultural activities at university/state/national / international level (award for a team event should be counted as one) during the year. : Number of awards/medals for outstanding performance in sports/cultural activities at university/state/ national / international level (award for a team event should be counted as one) during the year.
Link for 5.3.1 template: Click Here Link for certificate – Merging them into 1 pdf. |
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Institution facilitates students’ representation and engagement in various administrative, co-curricular and extracurricular activities (student council/ students representation on various bodies as per established processes and norms )
The Institute encourages active representation of students on academic and administrative bodies and committees of the Institute all headed by Gymkhana The representatives of different committees are selected through IEM Gymkhana initiative. Administrative The administrative activities are stated below ❖ IEM Students’ Gymkhana and IQAC Members: The student members participate actively in the development and application of quality benchmarks set by the institute for the various academic and administrative activities. As an initiative of Gymkhana, we have Gymkhana TV. Gymkhana TV is an initiative of the IEM-UEM students. The channel is exclusively made for and by the students. viewers. Click Here As a part of Gymkhana which is monitored by a faculty and run by students there are several committees like sports committee, cultural events committee, magazine committee which are headed and run by students solely. Students are members of IQAC cell and their opinion and feedback are considered with utmost importance. The list of student members in the IQAC cell is highlighted in the attached list.: Click Here ❖ Class & Syllabus Committees : All programs have class committees for each course that comprises student members representing along with faculty members nominated by the department and provide feedback on all aspects of the program and respective course. Involvement of Alumni in shaping syllabus in BOS meeting can be found in the attachment: Click Here ❖ Anti-ragging Committees: This committee abides with the programs set by the institute and helps the students overcome all personal, social, and academic barriers. During admission, it is mandatory for all students to fill out the anti-ragging affidavit duly signed by parents link of which is available here: Click Here ❖ Student grievance Committees: This committee deals with the students’ grievances. Name of students who are members of the Grievance Committee are highlighted in the attached list: Click Here
If any disciplinary issue crops up then the disciplinary committee formed jointly by teachers and students takes decision to resolve the matter. Name of students who are members of the Disciplinary committee are highlighted in the attached list: Click Here
Name of the students who are member of the Internal Complaint Committee are highlighted in the attached list: Click Here
❖ Hostel Administration: Students provide strong support in the administration and management of hostel affairs. Co-Curricular The activity includes various IEEE student chapters such as IEEE WE,IEEE CAS,IEEE Antenna & Propagation, Pet Society and many more. Extracurricular The activity includes various Cultural and Sports Committees, Dance clubs, Quiz Club, Drama, and many more. The above activities enhance the leadership and managerial quality of students thereby making them industry-ready. ★ Link CSR Activity: Click Here ★ Link for Professional Society: Click Here |
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Number of sports and cultural events/competitions in which students of the Institution participated during the year (organized by the institution/other institutions) Number of sports and cultural events/competitions in which students of the Institution participated during the year
Link to excel sheet: Click Here Link for certificate – Merging them into 1 pdf. Additional information Booking of grounds and athletic track in Sports Authority of India, Netaji Subhas Center by Institute of Engineering and Management over the years since 2017: Click Here Social media page on IEM Sports: Click Here Institute website page on Sports meets: Click Here |