Self Study Report (SSR) - 2022

Criterion 6.2

Metric No.


The institutional Strategic/ perspective plan is effectively deployed

Describe one activity successfully implemented based on the strategic plan 

File Description

Strategic Plan and deployment documents on the website            

Incredible progress has been shown by the Institute of Engineering and Management (IEM) over the past 32 years. The sustainability of IEM has been accomplished by the successful formulation and implementation of strategic/ prospective plans.

Strategic Plan

  • Planned to improve the R & D cell of the Institute.
  • Planned to introduce job-oriented courses.
  • Offering certificate courses through IEMLEARNING, NPTEL, COURSERA.
  • To improve IEM-IEDC (Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Center) facilities to encourage startups.
  • Introduce skill development and value-oriented courses such as ESP, SDP & GATE Classes other special classes for higher studies & various competitive exams.



  1. R & D Cell:
  • Research is of great relevance in education. Apart from ensuring in-depth knowledge over a topic, scientific research contributes to the world of knowledge. Moreover, it has been observed that the students, who have proficient research papers available in their names, possess a maximum chance to get a scholarship to study in the top universities of the world. Hence IEM has started hosting more than 45 Scopus Indexed International Conferences where the faculties and students are encouraged to publish their research and project works.
  • This great initiative not only enhances publication numbers but also motivates students as well as faculties to ensure enriched research-based practice and knowledge production. Students are encouraged to publish at least one research paper based on their final year project in order to get their course completion certificate. Different incentive policies are introduced to draw the interest of the faculty members towards research like incentives for journal publication & book chapters. The registration fees towards these conferences are also reimbursed by the institute.

Incentive Schemes

Grant in Aid Policy:


Revenue Sharing: 50% of patent revenue will be retained by the institute and 50% will be shared amongst the inventors.

Reputed Journal Incentive – The institute will give an incentive for publications in journals by faculty members. In the case of a team, the amount shall be shared equally among team members:

  • Rs 5,000 for publications in SCI journals and a list of IIM recognized Management journals
  • Rs 5,000 for publications in SSCI journals and a list of IIM recognized Management journals.
  • Rs 5,000 for publications in SCI(E) Journal.
  • Rs. 3,000 for publications in SCOPUS and ESCI or reimbursement of conference registration.
  • Rs. 1,000 for IEM UEM foreign journals (except where the same article was published in a conference.

Book Publication Incentive: Award for Publications of textbooks in relevant engineering discipline:

  • Rs. 25,000/- if the textbook is published by an international publisher like McGraw Hill, Prentice-Hall, Oxford University Press, IEEE Press, Springer-Verlag GmbH, or other internationally reputed publishers.
  • Rs. 15,000/- if the textbook is published by a national publisher like TataMcGraw Hill, Prentice Hall of India, MacMillan India, Sage.
  • Rs. 10,000/- if the textbook is published by Regional / Local publishers.
  • Rs. 5,000 if a book chapter is published

Conference Incentive: Each staff member is eligible, twice per year, towards registration and travel expenses for institute recognized list of Conference / Journal/Conferences organized by the IEM-UEM group:

  • Rs 5000 reimbursement for attending National conferences for presentation of paper/s.
  • Rs 20,000 for attending International Conferences for presentation of paper/s / publication of papers

The incentive for Externally Funded Research– The Institute shall pay the research team an incentive equivalent to 5% of the research grants received from external funding agencies

Foreign Visits Incentives  – Each faculty and a staff member will be eligible for incentives up to 1 lac per visit, 3 times a year, for organizing conferences/ Study Abroad Programmes /Faculty exchange program.

    2. Job oriented courses:

a. Special Aptitude classes (1120 classes per semester) from 2nd semester onwards to make them ready for placement.

b. Industry Visit: Special Industry Visit is frequently conducted at least (two per semester ) to bridge the gap between academia & industry.

    3. Certificate Courses: Institute offers certificate courses to encourage the students to learn the emerging technologies as well as subjects included in their  curriculum

More than 12000 IEM Learning Courses

More than 4000 free Coursera Courses

More than 500 NPTEL courses

    4. IEM-IEDC (Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Center): In order to comply with the Make in India Policy taken up by the Government of India, the institute encourages the students to explore their innovative minds in the IEM-IEDC lab which eventually encourage many students to start their own Start-Ups and become able entrepreneurs. The institute also provides seed money and office space if required. The institute already has more than 82 start-ups and approximately 68 are in pipeline.

    5. Skill development and value-oriented courses:  Special classes are conducted as ESP and SDP classes and are included in the routine from the 1st semester itself to make the students aware of those subjects which will eventually help them to get jobs in the future. GATE classes are conducted from the 3rd year. Total approximately 80 such classes are conducted per semester.

The link for the relevant documents:

Link for the Incentive scheme: Click Here

Link of the image Paper Presentation : Click Here 

Link for List of Campus companies funded and Supported by IEM E-Cell: Click Here

Link for writeup for IEM-IEDC Lab :  Click Here

Link for attendance sheet of Gate & Aptitude class: other years will be updated

2020-21: Click Here



The functioning of the institutional bodies is effective and efficient as visible from policies, administrative setup, appointment and service rules, procedures etc.


Describe the Organogram of the Institution

Delegations of responsibility – some of the key responsibility areas are identified and delegated at different levels – office function, Principal, HOD, Asst. HOD.

  • Academic Council–All academic matter (including BOS functions) through the academic council
  • Internal Quality Assessment Cell (IQAC)
  • Participatory Management-Subcommittee for different functional activities comprises representatives of teachers, non-teaching staff, and students. It includes the involvement of the staff in organizing different programs of the college.
  • Faculty Development Programmes are organized by the college on a regular basis.
  • A performance appraisal system is practiced.
  • Promotion policy – College follows the promotion policies of the Higher Education Department.

In addition, the institute also has introduced seniority-based and performance-based promotions.

  • Policy for compensation–College extends the following benefits to the staff members mentioned below.
  1. Provident fund–Each member of the staff shall subscribe to duly constituted College Provident Fund in accordance with the statutory rule.
  2. Gratuity–College pays Gratuity to the staff members.


  • Performance Recognition-The College gives performance recognition by way of

monetary incentives, like, sponsoring registration fees for the faculty members whose

papers have been accepted at Seminars and Conferences (including International

Conferences) providing the Ph.D. registration fees to the candidates by felicitating the

retired staff members and recognizing contributing efforts of those, with at least 2 years

of service.



 The link for the relevant Documents:


Link for Service Rule for College Employees: Click Here

Link for supporting document regarding the Appointment of Professor & Associate professor & Assistant professor: Click Here

Link for a flowchart of Administrative Setup: Click Here



Implementation of e-governance in areas of operation

  1.  Administration
  2. Finance and Accounts
  3. Student Admission and Support
  4. Examination


A.      All of the above

B.      Any 3 of the above

C.      Any 2 of the above

D.      Any 1 of the above

E.      None of the above

Option all of the above


Data Requirements:

  • Areas of e-governance


Finance and Accounts

Student Admission and Support


  • Name of the Vendor with contact details
  • Year of implementation

File Description

  • ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning)Document
  • Screenshots of user interfaces
  • Any additional information

Details of implementation of e-governance in areas of operation, Administration etc. 

Link for the excel sheet: Click Here

Link for the screenshot of Academic ERP: Click Here

Link for the supporting document of Administration: Click Here

Link for Supporting document for finance & Account: Click Here

Link for  supporting documents regarding Student Admission & support: Click Here

Link for Examination system in college: Click Here

Link for the pdf of E-governance details of college: Click Here

Link for Service Rule for College Employees: Click Here