Self Study Report (SSR) - 2022

Criterion 1.1

 Curricular Aspects

 1.1 Curricular Planning and Implementation
Metric No.



The Institution ensures effective curriculum delivery through a well planned and documented process

Institute of Engineering and Management in Kolkata currently has the following systems in place for effective curriculum delivery.

i. Before the academic session/semester commences, each department conducts a series of departmental meetings (Number of meeting: 3, For each year 1 meeting)  during which the subjects are assigned to the faculty after discussion.

ii. The number of classes for each subject is determined by the syllabus and the credits awarded to each module.

   a.       4 classes are allotted for subjects with 4 credits

               b.       3 classes are allotted for subjects with 3 credits

               c.        2 classes are allotted for subjects with 2 credits

               d.       1 class is allotted for subjects with 1 credit

❖(Approx. 40 classes of 1 hour each/semester; 6 periods per day, 1 tutorial per day)

iii.  For each year/semester of classes, each department delivers a well-structured Routine.

iv.  Teachers prepare all course materials and upload them to IEMCRP ( and IEMLEARNING ( in accordance with the syllabus and available classes.

 a.       The institute has about 156 online courses on various subjects in IEMLEARNING, of approximately 10 hours each.

                             Department wise course count in IEMLEARNING are:

  • BCA: 11 Courses
  • EE:    13 Courses
  • EEE: 11 Courses
  • MBA:10 Courses
  • BBA: 30 Courses
  • ME:   8 Courses
  • IT:     15 Courses
  • ECE: 17 Courses
  • BSH: 5 Courses
  • CSE: 36 Courses

              b.       The institute has signed MoU with Coursera and EDX , which enables the students and faculty members to undertake more than 4000 courses in Coursera. Approx. 3500 students enroll in the courses every year.

             c.        The institute has NPTEL student chapter, which facilitates the students to enrol in more than 500 courses.

v. Under the supervision of the HOD, classes are held according to the schedule.

vi. For the benefit of the students, we have a highly extensive wi-fi equipped central library that operates on KOHA software and has an open access system that operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, as well as rich Departmental libraries. Our college has a large number of journal subscriptions. Our college has signed up for NPTEL (National Program On Technology Enhanced Learning), which allows students to participate in e-learning via online Web and Video courses in a variety of subjects. Students can access many e-journals Like

             a.       IEEE Digital Library (ASPP): 192 IEEE online society-sponsored journals, transactions, and magazines

             b.       Delnet(online): More than 20 Lakhs Ebooks

             c.        Jgate: 71 Million+ Articles from over 58 Thousand+ Journals

             d.       Web of Science:79 million (Core Collection); 171 million (Platform)

             e.        EBSCO(Business Source Elite): 75,000+ resources

vii. For the efficient delivery of the curriculum, numerous classroom teaching methods based on the requirements of various subjects are extensively used, such as:

             a. All classrooms have OHP and LCD projectors ( No. of classroom: 72, No. of Seminar room: 10) , as well as a smart board.

             b. A teaching-learning technique that uses ICT and a variety of software. (No.of smart classroom available: 10 )

             c. Teachers sharing teaching materials through IEMCRP.

             d. All lecture videos (Number: 156) are available on IEMLEARNING.

             e. There are a number of seminars, webinars, conferences, and workshops held.

●        No. of Seminars/webinar: 250 per year

●        No. of Conference: 40 per year

●        No. of Workshop:  150 per year

             f. Students are encouraged to present their research papers on international platforms.

The institute organizes major international conferences for the last few years as mentioned below:

1. IEEE IEMCON at University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada ( since 2015

2. IEEE UEMCON at Columbia University, New York, USA ( since 2016

3. IEEE CCWC, University of Nevada, Las Vegas ( since 2017

4. IRTM, Kolkata, India ( ) since 2021

5. IEEE IEMTRONICS at University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada ( since 2020


             g. Faculty, alumnus, and industry people participate in tri-mentoring.

➢               Faculty mentoring session 16 hours/ semester

➢               Alumni mentoring session 2 times/ month

➢               Industry mentoring session 2times/month

➢                Mentee:Mentor::  Student: (Faculty+Alumni+Industry)=4287:365=11:7

                            No. of mentors in 2020-21: 365


viii. Students’ progress is monitored through daily on-line class tests through IEMCRP, mid-semester examinations, regular assessment, and viva-voce in practical classes. Remedial and tutorial classes are also provided based on needs of the students.

❖                   Online class tests through IEMCRP: In all theory class       (Approx. 40 classes of 1 hour each/semester; 6 periods per day, 1 tutorial per day)

❖                      Mid-semester examinations: Twice/semester

❖                      Regular assessment: Weekly

❖                      Viva-voce in practical classes: Twice/semester

❖                      Remedial and tutorial classes: One period (1 hour) is allotted daily

ix.  Departments keep extensive records of classes, assessments, and project reports. The    institute also continues to focus on results, departmental procedures, and student demands, as well as keeping track of the college’s many operations in terms of teaching-learning, development, and improvement of various methods of successful curriculum delivery.


x. At the postgraduate and undergraduate levels, the Board of Studies (BOS) is made up of individuals from industry, expert professors, and student alumni. The Board of Supervisors meets on a regular basis. The suggestions obtained from the various bodies are thoroughly discussed by the experts and forwarded to MAKAUT. BOS meetings are used to get feedback from students and alumni on curriculum and suggestions. All collected comments on employability and value-based education was analysed.

➢       BOS meeting held once per semester 

●        Upload relevant supporting document

●        Link for Additional information

  1. Class Routine for last 5 years: Click Here
  2. IEMLEARNING: Click Here 
  3. Coursera MOU: Click Here
  4. EDX MOU: Click Here
  5. NPTEL Local Chapter Approval Letter: Click Here
  6. NPTEL for last 5 years: Click Here
  7. Class and online test taken through IEMCRP: Click Here
  8. Event details: Click Here
  9. Feedbacks:


  • Student Feedback on syllabus: Click Here
  • Alumni Feedback on syllabus: Click Here
  • Employer Feedback on syllabus: Click Here
  • Teachers’ Feedback on syllabus: Click Here
  • URL of Institute Website for Feedback: To be hosted


10. Minutes of BOS for last 5 years: Click Here

11. Departmental MOM for last 5 years: Click Here

12. Link for physical accession of Library: Click Here

13. Library Usage Details:

a. Link for the Number of users using library through e-access(From July 2020 to December 2020 ): Click Here

b. Link for the Number of users using library through e-access(From January 2021to July 2021): Click Here

c. Link for the KOHA register used  by students in daily basis: Click Here

14. Mentoring Details:



The institution adheres to the academic calendar including for the conduct of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE)


●        The Institution compiles and publishes a ‘Academic calendar’ before the start of the academic year, which contains pertinent information about the teaching learning schedule (working days), numerous activities to be planned, holidays, dates of internal examination, semester examination, and so forth. Academic calendar is approved by the Academic Council and Board of Governors.

●        The academic calendar is created so that teachers are aware of all activities related to the college’s continuous internal evaluation process. It is also posted on the college’s website and in the Principal’s office.

●        The academic development of students is tracked on a regular basis using a strategy of constant internal review, seminars, project work, unit tests, and semester examinations.

●        The Principal conducts an internal assessment review on a regular basis. Internal Assessment Process is implemented by the formation of an examination committee at the college level, which oversees the overall internal assessment process.

●        The examination committee submits information to the university regarding the students who will be taking the exam. The college produces a seating arrangement plan, a list of invigilators, and other materials after obtaining the University’s enrolled list of students.

As part of their annual submissions, each department must demonstrate conformance with the academic calendar. Furthermore, an internal audit is done per semester to validate conformity with documentation proof.

The role of each concerned persons are as follows:

●        Faculty members: During the academic year, each teacher is given a list of subjects to teach. The designated subject’s teaching and evaluation schedule is planned by the teacher. The nature and timing of internal evaluations are decided in agreement with the Head of the Department.

●        Head of Department: The Head of the department compiles the academic plan submitted by the teachers and ensures that there is no overlapping of the activities in general and the Continuous Internal Evaluation in particular at both the internal as well as the University level.  After that, the Academic Calendar is sent to the IQAC.

●        IQAC: The IQAC gathers feedback from all departments and prepares a comprehensive plan, which is then posted on the college website.

●        Stakeholders: The stakeholders are made aware of the Continuous Internal Evaluation of every department in the college.


Measurement of  academic progress of the students is done by internal assessment, result analysis, attendance and project through academic units and functionaries.


  • Student’s feedback –The Institution conducts student feedback process every semester to improve teaching quality, infrastructure and the entire learning experience.

  • Parent teacher meeting/monitoring – Parents are invited at least once in a semester to discuss the progress of their wards.
  • Mentoring: – The faculty, alumni and industry personnel (tri-mentoring) regularly interact with the assigned students to access and monitor the progress of each student.

➢            Faculty mentoring session 16 hours/ semester

➢            Alumni mentoring session 2 times/ month

➢            Industry mentoring session 2times/month


  • Internal academic audit – Regular academic audit (internal/external) are conducted. Audit reports are reviewed and approved by management and thus suggesting improvements.
  • Student’s academic evaluation– Each theory class followed workbook assignment as well as Google classroom assignment and IEMCRP online quiz test for performance evaluation.


●        Upload relevant supporting document

●        Link for Additional information


  1. Academic Calendar for last 5 years: Click Here
  2. Class and online test taken through IEMCRP: Click Here
  3. Exam Routines for last 5 years: Click Here



Teachers of the Institution participate in following activities related to curriculum development and assessment of the affiliating University and/are represented on the following academic bodies during the year

Year 2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020 2020-2021 2021-2022
Number 2 + 55= 57

Presently – 3

6 + 62=68

Presently – 6

33 +45=78

Presently – 60

112 8+78=86

Presently – 66

1.      Academic council/BoS of Affiliating University

2.      Setting of question papers for UG/PG programs

3.      Design and Development of Curriculum for Add on/ certificate/ Diploma Courses

4.      Assessment /evaluation process of the affiliating University Options


1.      All of the above

2.      Any 3 of the above

3.      Any 2 of the above

4.      Any 1 of the above

5.      None of the above



Data requirement:  

●       Number of teachers participated

●       Name of the body in which full time teacher participated

●       Total number of teachers

Documents: Upload the scanned copies of the letters issued by the affiliating university / institutions w.r.t the activity in which the teachers are involved.

File Description:

●       Details of participation of teachers in various bodies/activities provided asa response to the metric

●       Any additional information


Link for the Excel Sheet: Click Here