Self Study Report (SSR) - 2022

Criterion 4.4

4.4 Maintenance of Campus Infrastructure
Metric No.



Average percentage of expenditure incurred on maintenance of infrastructure (physical and academic support facilities) excluding salary component during the last five years(INR in Lakhs) Expenditure incurred on maintenance of infrastructure (physical facilities and academic support facilities) excluding salary component year wise  during the last five years (INR in lakhs)


Year 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
INR in Lakhs 388.43 329.53 429.89 357.82 2359 2544


Data Requirement year wise: 

  • Non-salary expenditure incurred
  • Expenditure incurred on maintenance of campus infrastructure



Percentage per year = [Expenditure incurred on maintenance of infrastructure (physical facilities and academic support facilities) excluding salary component/ Total Expenditure excluding salary]*100


Percentage per year( 2017-2018)=13.77%

Percentage per year( 2018-2019)=16.01%

Percentage per year( 2019-2020)=13.51%

Percentage per year( 2020-2021)=69.73%

Percentage per year( 2021-2022)=78.83%

Average Percentage= Σ Percentage per year/5

= (13.77+16.01+13.51+69.73+78.83)/5


File Description:

  • Audited statements of accounts.
  • Details about assigned budget and expenditure on physical facilities and academic support facilities (Data Templates)

The link for the  relevant document is provided below:

Link for the audited statement year wise with auditor sign: Click Here


The Link for the excel sheet: Click Here




There are established systems and procedures for maintaining and utilizing physical, academic and support facilities – laboratory, library, sports complex, computers, classrooms etc.

There are established systems and procedures for maintaining and utilizing physical, academic, and support facilities such as laboratory, sports complex, computer, classroom, etc in the institute. The maintenance of physical, academic, and support facilities is carried out by the respective departments with the help of in-house staff, daily and periodically. The maintenance procedure is stated below:

Maintenance Of Library:

The books and journals are maintained against damage. Bookbinding is carried out on a regular basis for dented books to avert further damage. Stock verification is done as a part of regular monitoring and control. Pest control is done on a regular basis for maintaining books safe from termites. The Library Committee has been constituted for coordination in respect of learning resources.

A. Purchasing of new books & renewing of journals and recommendations for additional books

B. Updating and maintaining all library records

C. Addressing issues and grievances of users

D. Update and upgrade the library contents, periodically as per updates in the curriculum.

Maintenance of Computer:

The Institute has an adequate number of computers. Each department has one proctor to check the computer once a week. The maintenance register is used for this purpose.

Maintenance Of Laboratory:

Separate funds are allotted to all H.O.Ds for the maintenance of the laboratories and the classrooms in college. Each laboratory has one teacher as the lab in charge and Lab Assistant. The lab in charge is responsible for maintaining and upgrading the laboratory. Laboratories are cleaned by the cleaning staff of the college regularly. Equipment are maintained properly, calibrated, and serviced periodically. Stock Registers are updated in each laboratory to track the condition of the lab equipment under the supervision of respective lab assistants.

Maintenance Of Classrooms, Seminar Hall: The college has 72 classrooms & 10 seminar halls that are well-ventilated, well-furnished & all classrooms & seminar halls have ICT-enabled facilities. Classrooms are maintained by the respective departmental cleaning staff & the whole procedure is supervised by Proctor. The working condition of the audio system, LCD projectors, etc is checked regularly. Seminar halls are cleaned by cleaning staff & audio system, LCD projects etc are checked once in a week.

Maintenance of other support systems:

  1. Sanitization of washrooms & classrooms is done once a week. College students with the help of Assistant Professor Dibakar Roy Choudhury made a sanitizer gate which is present in three campuses of the college. A paper cutting of this is attached to the supporting documents.
  2.  The college garden is maintained by the gardener appointed by the institute.
  3.  Solar Panels and power backup facilities like Generators are maintained.
  4. Water coolers are maintained and cleaned once a month. Overhead water tanks and water coolers are cleaned periodically.
  5.  Sports facilities are maintained by the College sports committee.

The below-mentioned points are inspected before the start of every semester.

1. Classroom facilities such as lights and fans, LCD projector and sound system, availability of internet connections are inspected before the start of every semester.

2. Working condition of computers, devices, and equipment is ensured & maintaining staff maintain stock register

3. The Working condition of machines in the workshop is ensured.

4. Stock checking activity is done prior to the start of the new semester.

5. Housekeeping staff checks toilets, classrooms, corridors every one hour & maintains the sheet as proof.

6. Library committee collects the specific needs of the students and staff.

7. Sports committee ensures the availability of sports equipment and monitors the usage of the ground, courts, and indoor games facilities. They also maintained the stock register will be attached to the supporting documentation.


File Description:

  • Paste the link for additional information

The Link for the relevant document is provided below:

Link for the paper cutting of sanitizer gate: Click Here

Link for the stock register of the sports department of college: Click Here

Link for the stock register of all department: Click Here

Link for the Movement Register of all department: Click Here

Link for the Fault Register of all department: Click Here

Link for the Workshop stock register: Click Here

Link for Policy document: Click Here

Link for proof of  maintenance sheet : Click Here

Link for the maintenance of manpower: Click Here